Don’t look at their Faces!

16 Mar Don’t look at their Faces!

Devotion for the week:

Don’t look at their Faces!

Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord.  Jeremiah 1:8

Everywhere we go all we hear is how high the gas prices are, the increase in the cost of goods and food. That’s not to mention all the turmoil that is going on the other side of the world.

Today’s scriptures comes from Jeremiah chapter one, this is a dialogue that Jeremiah had with the Lord when the Lord called him into ministry. Jeremiah was telling the Lord what he did not have and what he could not do…

There are many examples of shortages of this that and the other in the Bible but in all of those situations the Lord came through. Jesus feeding the 5000

John 6:1-14. Elisha telling the people during the time of famine that tomorrow this time there’s going to be plenty and it is going to be cheap 2 Kings 7.  Moses providing water from a rock Exodus 17:1-7. Paul telling those on the ship that they were all going to live nobody was going to die in the midst of a horrific storm Acts 27:8-24. In addition, you can add your story/testimony to that too, how many times has God brought you out of impossible situations.

Do you trust God? Then don’t look at their faces. Do you know and believe that God loves you? Do you think a good father would let his child starve? Or not have the things that they need if it was in his power to meet those needs? Then don’t look at their faces. God gave me a word for someone earlier last week and a portion of that; I believe is applicable for this message today.

“Every plot and scheme devised against you will fail.  You just make sure your in order, and it will be well”.

This is not the first time gas prices have been astronomical, this is not the first time prices have been high or your money has been challenged. God is faithful in whatever situation we find ourselves in and He always gives of us a way of escape.1 Corinthians 10:13.

Don’t let fear get a hold of you.  You will hear fear everywhere believe me, between people, the news/social media you can’t get around it but fear not, don’t take it to heart. As Captain Jean-Luc Picard says, “Fear is an Incompetent teacher.”  Hold on to the one that holds the whole world in His hands and keep walking by faith. Don’t look at their faces.💕

Theresa Woodard 

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