The Breath of Life!

16 Jan The Breath of Life!

January 16, 2022

Weekly Devotion:

The Breath of Life!

“The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life.  Job 34:4

We are three-part beings, spirit, soul and body Genesis 1:26-28 says, “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…

What God makes here is the spiritual you; it is the part of you where worship flows it is just like God. It’s your spiritual communication center, if you will, it can thinks, understand, and as the Apostle Peter says is the hidden man of the heart and is not corruptible. (Source: Life in the Spirit Lesson in Maturity by Theresa Woodard).

We buried our earthly father a few days ago And even though he was 87 years old we were looking forward to 88, 98… selfishly it didn’t matter what kind of medical condition he was in we wanted him to be on this side of heaven.  That is the flesh/body wanting to touch, talk to… As I set on the bench during the service, these words came to me “The breath of life”

Daddy was no longer breathing, his spirit had departed, he was present with the Lord now and that service was for us.

That is so vitally important that we don’t waste a moment, that we realize that it is through the Lord that we live, move and have our being (Acts 16:28)

Live your life but live it Holy, upright and unto the Lord.  Stay connected to those who you love and love you.  Keep God first and know everything else will lineup. Guard your tongue and your Ways.  Whether you realize it or not you have what you say, life and death is in the power of the tongue.

Take that quick life inventory now and make any necessary adjustments, repent… Are you saved? if you are not saved (read Romans 10: 9-10) and get saved.

Breathe in and out a few times right now.  You do not see it, and sometimes we do not acknowledge the breaths we take constantly. However, know that as long as it is flowing there is life.

This is not intended to be a sad messages but one that just reminds us to take nothing for granted even the breath of life.💕

Theresa Woodard

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