The Soul Suffering Prayer

07 Apr The Soul Suffering Prayer

April 7, 2024

The Soul Suffering Prayer

This message started with the title “What am I Missing” Ever felt like you were in a holding pattern, a place where you or the situation were just not moving, and you’ve done everything you know to do, you’ve checked and rechecked, and it seems like everything is in place but you still find yourself in this place of waiting for deliverance in the midst of conflict, confusion, sickness, holding the short end of the stick it seems and you’re searching for the answer. 

Psalms 13 is a kind of prayer in which you pour out your soul to the Lord, knowing He is the only one who can fix things. But where is He? You’re asking because you need Him.

Psalm 13 NIV

How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?

How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart?

How long will my enemy triumph over me? Look on me and answer, Lord my God.

Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death, and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,”

and my foes will rejoice when I fall. But I trust in your unfailing love;

my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me.

Yes, I know the writer of this Psalm was David in the Bible, and he was a king, but not at this time in his life. Also, he is not the only one who has prayed a soul-suffering prayer in or outside the Word of God. James 5:17-18 CEV puts it this way:” Elijah was just as human as we are, and for three and a half years his prayers kept the rain from falling. But when he did pray for rain, it fell from the skies and made the crops grow.” Your prayers may not be to stop the rain but to halt the premature death of a loved one, that souls would be saved, and that this prolonged crime that is plaguing your block, city… would cease. Or for the drama on the job to stop, or for a housing need, or your child(s), or for healing to come and stay physically, mentally, and financially.

This Soul Suffering Prayer has no specific style, length, or posture; it’s the heart and soul sincerely asking the Lord questions. I say hard and desperate, too, because when you believe in God and you have released your faith, the situation feels like the last straw will break at any moment because things still look contrary. You are past that what did I miss place You are saying verse three of Psalm 13, “Look on me and answer, Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death,”. 

I have learned in life to always be honest with God and yourself. No matter how hard or guilty you may be, Jesus loves us. Be sincere, repent if needed, and know that God can and will restore. Psalms 17:1 says, “Hear a just cause, O LORD, Attend to my cry; Give ear to my prayer which is not from deceitful lips.”  

Go to God as bold as a lion, as the righteous child of God that you are. 

2 Corinthians 5:21 says; For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. I sense someone saying, Sister Theresa, that I/we have been in this situation for a long time!” Well, there were 15 years since Samuel anointed David to be King, and he spent 7 of those years on the run from King Saul, which is when some theologians say Psalm 13 was written. Don’t lose hope; keep trusting and believing and pray the prayer to God and then say as David said in the last two verses of Psalm 13, our scripture for today, “But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen! 💕

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