This New & Living Way!

26 Mar This New & Living Way!

March 26, 2024

This New & Living Way!

Therefore, believers, since we have confidence and full freedom to enter the Holy Place [the place where God dwells] by [means of] the Blood of Jesus, by this new and living way which He initiated and opened for us through the veil [as in the Holy of Holies], that is, through His flesh. Hebrews 10:19-20 AMP

After the Lord Jesus had said these things to the disciples, he was taken back up to heaven where he sat down at the right side of God. Then the disciples left and preached everywhere. The Lord was with them, and the miracles they worked proved that their message was true. Mark 16:19-20 CEV

This is passion week, a time when we reflect on the week of suffering of Christ leading to His death on the cross. The week starts with Palm Sunday, the triumphant entry into Jerusalem. I love the gospel of Mark’s account for this particular week. 

Monday– Jesus curses the fig tree, teaching us to have faith in God. Also, we can speak to things; if we don’t doubt in our hearts, we will have whatever we say. Mark 11:22-24.

Tuesday– This was a busy day. The disciples see the results of His cursing the tree the day before, the religious leaders challenge his authority, and he warns them to beware of the scribes and Pharisees. We all get a lesson on giving from the widow’s mites. Also, Jesus teaches the signs of the times and the end of the age. A great study. Mark chapters 11, 12, & 13

Thursday – We learn about Passover and the Lord’s Supper. What a blessing that we can do this as often as we like in remembrance of Him, knowing the Blood of Jesus still works. Mark 14:12-31

Friday– From Gethsemane to betrayal, arrest, trials, the crucifixion, and burial in the tomb. The passion of the Christ. Mark 14:26 – Mark 15:47

We must always acknowledge and celebrate this season. It is very important. Years ago, I was so tired from work that I said, “I’m not cooking; I’ll let someone else have my seat on Resurrection Sunday. I’m not celebrating anything this weekend; I’m tired!” Immediately, I got checked in my spirit with these words: “If not Easter/Resurrection Sunday, then what?” I am a Bible school teacher, so I am familiar with the death and resurrection of Christ on our behalf and the many benefits. I jumped up, repented, headed to the store for items for this oh-so-important holiday, and got to church early that Sunday, too. 

Sunday and beyond—The tomb is empty. One of my favorite passages in the Bible is the walk to Emmaus, where Jesus shows up on the road with two of His followers (Luke 24:13-35 has the more detailed account). How many times has He just shown up on our behalf? He appears to the disciples without Thomas and then to all eleven in Galilee. Mark Chapter 16.

Jesus is alive! The veil is rent, allowing access to all, the Jew and Gentile. I’m like the guys on the road to Emmaus. “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?” Luke 24:32. Grab your Bible and read the account of this important week. Remember what Jesus did for us and learn more about “This New and Living Way.” 💕

Theresa Woodard 

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