You are my Praise!

25 Jun You are my Praise!

June 25, 2023

You Are My Praise!

Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord! Psalms 150:6

Praise reminds us of how great God is; He is omnipotent, having unlimited power, omnipresent, and being everywhere at the same time, and he is our Father, as we learned last week. 

Praise reminded us of God’s position of first place in our lives, and how we should never forget or allow any circumstance to make us forget that the greater one resides in us, that he is for us, and that he is with us. The Word says he’ll never leave us, nor for sake.  

Did you know praise drives out fear, evil, demons, and darkness? 2 Chronicles 20:6, Psalms 37, James 4:7, John 8:12.

There are many ways to praise. We can praise God individually or as a group at home or in the car just be careful not to exceed the speed limit as I did years ago and got a ticket. Welcome the Holy Spirit in and just open your mouths in words or songs. We can play musical instruments. How many times has a song of praise lifted your spirit? 

We can meditate upon him on our bed in sickness and in health. Or just in our hearts without uttering a word. Psalm 63:6 says, “When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches.” Or Psalm 111:1 Praise the LORD. I will extol the LORD with all my heart in the council of the upright and in the assembly.

One gesture of praise is when we lift holy hands; this is a sign of surrender; it’s a sign that says Jesus, you got this; it’s a sign of thank you, Lord, it’s a sign of great happiness, in joy, and sometimes amid sorrow, it’s a sign that I need you to take this away from me Lord Jesus!.

The highest praise is hallelujah, a combination of two Hebrew words, praise and “Jah,” meaning God. Which reminds us to make sure we know where our honor is going. Yes, we can be thankful for all God has done for us, but we need to move to a more joyous and grateful level of praise, void of everything but admiration for our king. When you reach that level of praise you lose track of time and may have started on your feet but come to yourself on your knees or face.

Revelation 19:1 AMPC says, “After this I heard what sounded like a mighty shout of a great crowd in heaven, exclaiming, Hallelujah (praise the Lord)! Salvation and glory (splendor and majesty) and power (dominion and authority) [belong] to our God!”

So put on that favorite praise song/playlist or make up your song; God loves it when we sing to Him from our hearts. Lift your hands to Him and bless His Holy Nome. Let everything that has breath. Praise the Lord! šŸ’•

Theresa Woodard

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