Give Them the Praise!

09 May Give Them the Praise!

May 8, 2022

Give Them the Praise!

Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.  Psalm 63:3

King David in the Bible wrote the above scripture to the Lord. It also reflects a leading quality of a mother.  Steadfast meaning firmly, fixed in place, immovable the definition says, the moment a child enters the world or you take up the mantle of motherhood everything changes. 

The needs, the responsibly to step up, lay down, relinquish, provide and become all things for the child(s).  Does not matter how many children you have God gives mothers the ability to spread their love equally and directly to meet every child’s need individually and collectively.  You see I believe what God says that “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. “Psalm 127:3 and everyone cherishes gifts.

Mothers have Christ like attributes. Their faith, their patience, quick ability to forgive… and their commitment to see that their children are taken care of no matter what.  They know us better than we know ourselves, giving us what we need even if it is not what we want.

Shielding us from all hurt harm and danger in their power, disciplining us at times when they don’t want to but knowing that it’s necessary and for our good even as adults. Proverbs 29:15 KJV says The rod and reproof give wisdom: But a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.

To you young mothers realize that your children will grow up and be on their own.  Cherish the time, 18 and 21 come very fast.  There is a whole lot of life left so don’t feel that you are missing out on something because you’re doing what is right by your children take care of them, train them… make sure they know Christ Jesus.

The repetition of a mothers love is uncanny day in and day out. They provide and even shield you from the fact that there is/was a storage of resources sometimes. A good mother‘s love is always there it sees and hopes for the best for us and they would lay down their life for us in an instance. 

Honor your mom today. We do it a lot anyway by the things we do like her, gifts we give her, the things we say that she said, we mimic their cooking, their taste for fashion… even the way they see the world and more.

Therefore, whether your mother is living or gone on to be with the Lord.  Reach out / reflect in your own special way today. In addition, if your relationship with your mother is strained fix it now! 

Give praise to who praise is due if she did nothing but brought you in to the world that is enough to say thanks and show some Love today. 💕.    Happy Mothers Day!

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